Alternative Addiction Treatments: What Will Really Work for You?

Alternative treatments may seem promising, but you need to know what will truly work for you. Sometimes you should seek out other therapies, and sometimes you may need to avoid them. To balance out your recovery, keep these points in mind. 

ibogaine 800 recovery hub

Ibogaine: An Alternative to Beating Addiction

Can Ibogaine help with substance abuse? Addiction is a rising crisis in our society and one that has hit every ethnicity and socio-economic class without prejudice. Drug overdose is no longer something that happens in darkened alleys or dilapidated houses. The pain of addiction is hitting middle-class society harder than ever. Addiction changes the brain … Continue reading Ibogaine: An Alternative to Beating Addiction

Non 12-Step Addiction Rehab Programs Explained

Most everyone is familiar with the 12-Step program associated with Alcoholics Anonymous.  This popular fellowship program has been around since the late 1930s assisting members worldwide in their quest to live a life without drugs and alcohol.  What is less familiar, but just as significant in the addiction and recovery world, are the non 12-Step … Continue reading Non 12-Step Addiction Rehab Programs Explained

Holistic recovery

Sobriety Trends -Holistic Living in Recovery

There was a time not that long ago, that when you entered into a room of Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous you’d be met with a giant cloud of smoke. The smoke would hang in the air appearing to cause its own weather system as people frantically reached for their pack to light up another … Continue reading Sobriety Trends -Holistic Living in Recovery