800 Recovery Hub Sobriety Friends

Your Friends In Sobriety Can Make or Break You

I feel that sometimes the fellowship in recovery doesn’t get the credit it is due. Sometimes you go meetings and you will hear someone say that fellowship will not keep you sober and that the fellowship and the program are two very different things. I even heard someone say in a meeting that they didn’t … Continue reading Your Friends In Sobriety Can Make or Break You


Unraveling some of the mystery and controversy of Alcoholics Anonymous

Providing general information to people about AA, is a very complicated task for me.  That's because it can be a polarizing (and sometimes delicate) subject. It shouldn't be. In short -- AA is a non-profit group that helps people with alcohol problems. There's no leader, there's no religious affiliations and there are no fees or requirements to … Continue reading Unraveling some of the mystery and controversy of Alcoholics Anonymous


Interviewing Alcoholics

  About six months ago, I was contacted by a young woman to do an interview. It was really quite random. She had visited our website (and probably many others) and felt inspired to create an "alcoholism portal". She called and asked for an informal interview. My husband and I were driving across country, in an RV, … Continue reading Interviewing Alcoholics

Here is Proof – I am not an Alcoholic

Most hard-core drinkers are not classified as alcoholics. Can this be true, or Is this the start of redefining alcoholism, so that insurance plans will not have to cover treatment?

Fame Alcoholic

Alcoholism In The Spotlight

Jon Hamm, most famous for starring as the whiskey-swilling, chain-smoking advertising exec Don Draper on Mad Men, recently checked out of rehab for alcohol addiction, according to TMZ. AMC’s Emmy-winning drama is known for depicting heavy drinking and smoking by its characters, who work in a Madison Avenue ad firm in the 1960s. The show … Continue reading Alcoholism In The Spotlight

Stages of Alcoholism

The body chemistry of a non-problem drinker has only one difference than the body chemistry of a problem drinker. The non-problem drinker does not create a physical craving for alcohol once they ingest alcohol and therefore can often be heard making statements like “I am starting to feel it I better stop now, no thank … Continue reading Stages of Alcoholism

Why do people react differently to alcohol?

There are a variety of reasons: Age, Gender, Race or Ethnicity. Physical condition (weight, fitness level, etc). Amount of food eaten before drinking alcohol. How quickly they drink the alcohol. Use of other drugs, legal (prescription medicines) or illegal (marijuana etc.) Family history of alcohol problems. The current mainstream scientific and medical view is that … Continue reading Why do people react differently to alcohol?

Alcoholism – Genetics and environment

I recently shared that I was given up for adoption, as a baby. When I was much older, I found out that I came from a long line of alcoholics and addicts. Does that mean that any problems I had with drugs, alcohol and mental disorders are not my fault? The risk of alcoholism is … Continue reading Alcoholism – Genetics and environment

infinite serenity

Powerlessness over alcohol – My friend’s story

I am a blackout drunk. I am also a 32 year old woman, who has a successful career. I am married to a wonderful man, and we have 2 small children. We live in sunny California. Today, I am in a good place. I feel happy and secure. It's an amazing feeling, especially when you compare it to where I was nine months ago. I don’t want to forget how bad I felt.