Using Insurance Coverage for Drug Addiction

Parents who find themselves facing the nightmare of a young adult child who is addicted to drugs will likely do anything to help them.  But when the reality of the potential costs involved with treatment becomes known, many loving parents simply don’t have access to that kind of money.  Due to the perceived financial burden … Continue reading Using Insurance Coverage for Drug Addiction

Health Insurance and Addiction Coverage

The way that drug and alcohol treatment works has changed dramatically over the past five to ten years. In the past people who went away to inpatient treatment would sometimes stay for 6 months to a year, with short-term stays coming in around 3 months. But with the changes in health insurance, mostly due to … Continue reading Health Insurance and Addiction Coverage


Interviewing Alcoholics

  About six months ago, I was contacted by a young woman to do an interview. It was really quite random. She had visited our website (and probably many others) and felt inspired to create an "alcoholism portal". She called and asked for an informal interview. My husband and I were driving across country, in an RV, … Continue reading Interviewing Alcoholics

Drug addiction Insurance

Addiction and Healthcare 2016

It's the new year ... do you understand the Affordable Care Act? Here is the short version: you are required by law to have health insurance. That doesn't mean you will be thrown in jail if you don't sing-up. However, if you don't purchase a plan, you will face a harsher fine in 2016.  For some folks, … Continue reading Addiction and Healthcare 2016

800RecoveryHub Fresh

Intervention Do’s and Don’t

The following information is applicable after you have made the decision to go forward with an intervention. In my case, my family decided to go the "old school" tough love route and cut me out of their life. I know this sounds harsh but it saved my life. I got sober 20 years ago, and there … Continue reading Intervention Do’s and Don’t

800RecoveryHub ACA

Are you a drug addict or alcoholic with no insurance?

Look no further. You most likely are not aware that treatment for addiction and alcoholism are essential health benefits under the Affordable Care Act. All plans must cover: Behavioral health treatment ( like counseling and therapy) Mental and behavioral health inpatient services Substance use disorder treatment (commonly referred to as alcoholism, addiction or substance abuse) Your specific behavioral health benefits will … Continue reading Are you a drug addict or alcoholic with no insurance?

Are drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms dangerous?

Yesterday I spoke with a man who has been drinking heavily for a long time. As a result he is very sick. His liver is distended, he can't keep down food and he is urinating blood.  When he tries to reduce the amount of drinks, his body reacts violently.   He said he wants to stop … Continue reading Are drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms dangerous?


addiction and alcoholism – Americans with Disability Act

Here is a common question I get -- "I am addicted to drugs and I need help to get sober; if I go to a 30-day treatment center will I be fired from my job?". How the Americans with Disabilities Act Protects You from Termination

Treatment Rehab Addictions

Health Insurance 2015 – Free Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment

Millions of people with drug and alcohol abuse problems are now eligible for treatment through the Affordable Care Act. Under the Affordable Care Act, all health insurance plans are required to cover substance abuse treatment as one of 10 “essential health benefits” specified in the law. Drug and alcohol abuse should now be approached as a disease with the same protocols of screening, detection and preventative care as heart disease or diabetes.

DSM5 Addictions

Addiction and DSM-5

If you are a non-medical person (like me) understanding how the DSM categorizes different forms of addiction, can be very confusing. What is the DSM? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the standard used to classify mental disorders. It is used by doctors and mental health professionals in the United States. The DSM … Continue reading Addiction and DSM-5